Englisch Leistungskurs zum Besuch auf dem ILB


A visit at the inter­na­tio­nal lite­ra­tu­re fes­ti­val of Berlin

As one of our very first excur­si­on within the advan­ced Eng­lish class we deci­ded to take a quick look at some lite­ra­tu­re for our second semester´s topic: cul­tu­ral and eth­nic iden­ti­ty. We went to the “Haus der Ber­li­ner Fest­spie­le” on Sep­tem­ber, 13th to see and hear the very well-known Bri­tish aut­hor, Ber­na­di­ne Evaristo.

She pre­sen­ted one out of ten novels she had writ­ten: “Girl, Women, Other”. It won the Boo­ker Pri­ze in 2019 with her being the first black woman and black Bri­tish per­son to win it in its fif­ty year histo­ry. She is curr­ent­ly a pro­fes­sor for crea­ti­ve wri­ting at Bru­nel Uni­ver­si­ty in Lon­don and had ear­ned num­e­rous pri­zes so far.

Her per­for­mance at the lite­ra­tu­re fes­ti­val see­med to be a hot spot of inte­rest. Almost 800 stu­dents joi­n­ed the rea­ding, which was one of the big­gest crowds she has ever expe­ri­en­ced. She was over­whel­med, need­less to say, but self-con­fi­dent and chat­ty throug­hout the round of ques­ti­ons. She touch­ed topics like gro­wing up, fami­ly life, aims, future and work choices as well as giving advice on wri­ting and editing texts in gene­ral. Plea­sing the stu­dents with authen­tic mate­ri­al felt easy enough and the allo­ca­ted time just ran out too quick­ly with many unans­we­red questions.

Altog­e­ther, it was a good expe­ri­ence for the class to see what a rea­ding is like nowa­days and to get a glim­pse about the upco­ming semes­ter, even if it´s not everybody´s favo­ri­te choice. Thumbs up for more authen­tic Eng­lish experience.

Dia­na Wendeborn