Shona Clancy – Foreign Language Assistant


My name is Sho­na and I’m curr­ent­ly a stu­dent at Lan­cas­ter Uni­ver­si­ty in Eng­land. I stu­dy Ger­man and lin­gu­i­stics and I’m in my third year. For­eign lan­guage stu­dents at my uni­ver­si­ty must under­ta­ke eit­her a work or stu­dy pla­ce­ment in their third year, so I cho­se to work as an Eng­lish tea­ching assistant through the Bri­tish Coun­cil (simi­lar to the Eras­mus pro­gram­me) and was assi­gned to Hein­rich-Hertz-Gym­na­si­um for this year.

I went to a UK grammar school, which is in essence the same as a Gym­na­si­um in Ger­ma­ny, so I unders­tood that school­work and home­work deman­ding. During my time at school, we had mul­ti­ple lan­guage assistants from Ger­ma­ny who hel­ped us great­ly in our lear­ning. This expe­ri­ence was one of the many reasons I opted to be an assistant this year.

I went to a UK grammar school, which is in essence the same as a Gym­na­si­um in Ger­ma­ny, so I unders­tood that school­work and home­work is often deman­ding. During my time at school, we had mul­ti­ple lan­guage assistants from Ger­ma­ny who hel­ped us great­ly in our lear­ning. This expe­ri­ence was one of the many reasons I opted to be an assistant this year.

I have been at HHG sin­ce Sep­tem­ber and will remain here until the end of May. I give pre­sen­ta­ti­ons of vary­ing lengths, help with small lan­guage pro­blems using my know­ledge as a nati­ve spea­k­er, and had lots of fun pre­pa­ring fes­ti­ve clas­ses around the holidays.

So far it has been a delight working with the pupils, as they are all wel­co­ming and eager to learn. I am con­stant­ly impres­sed by the level of lan­guage even young stu­dents are pro­du­cing and wish my Ger­man was at that level when I was 12 years old! My short time here so far has even led me to con­side­ring tea­ching after I gra­dua­te, with a goal to beco­ming a Ger­man tea­cher in the UK.

Thanks to the eager stu­dents and encou­ra­ging staff, I learn new things every day. I am also lucky enough to be able to run an Eng­lish con­ver­sa­ti­on after-school club for 10th to 12th gra­d­ers. Gene­ral­ly, I just let the stu­dents to talk about things they are pas­sio­na­te about or inte­res­ted in, as I find they worry less about making small gram­ma­ti­cal errors, so the resul­ting con­ver­sa­ti­on feels more natu­ral. It has been a won­derful expe­ri­ence so far get­ting to know indi­vi­du­al stu­dents, too.

I hope young stu­dents find the love for lan­guage-lear­ning that I did in secon­da­ry school and hope my remai­ning months here will be as enjoya­ble as the last few.