Time for Armageddon – A Student Excursion to a movie theater


Decem­ber 2022.

The two advan­ced Eng­lish cour­ses (Leis­tungs­kur­se) in year 11 met at the Hacke­sche Höfe Cine­ma. The movie that the stu­dents and their tea­chers were wat­ching is cal­led “Arma­ged­don Time”.

The film was first shown in May of last year at the Can­nes Film Fes­ti­val. It takes inspi­ra­ti­on from the direc­tor James Gray’s (Ad Astra, The Immi­grant) own child­hood. Arma­ged­don Time” is a coming-of-age dra­ma taking place in New York City in the 1980s. Paul (Micha­el Banks Repe­ta), a Jewish-Ame­ri­can boy from Queens, befri­ends an Afri­can-Ame­ri­can boy cal­led John­ny (Jay­lin Webb) at his midd­le school.

The movie tells the tale of a fri­end­ship bet­ween two very dif­fe­rent boys, Paul and John­ny, and the heart­warm­ing bond that Paul has with his grand­fa­ther (Antho­ny Hopkins).

The trip to the cine­ma spark­ed a varie­ty of con­ver­sa­ti­on bet­ween the stu­dents about choices in life, unfair con­di­ti­ons and sys­te­mic discrimination.

Lil­ly Kloss, Year 11

Find out more about the movie here.